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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <language>
- <info>
- <language>English (English)</language>
- <translator>EunQ</translator>
- <verion>1.52</verion>
- </info>
- <Components>
- <TabSheet_Step_1>
- <Caption>Step 1 - Add photos to this Album</Caption>
- </TabSheet_Step_1>
- <CheckBox_Preview>
- <Caption>&Preview</Caption>
- </CheckBox_Preview>
- <Btn_Add_Images>
- <Caption>&Add photos ...</Caption>
- </Btn_Add_Images>
- <Btn_Add_Folder>
- <Caption>Add fol&der ...</Caption>
- </Btn_Add_Folder>
- <Btn_Remove_Images>
- <Caption>Remove &selected</Caption>
- </Btn_Remove_Images>
- <Btn_Remove_All>
- <Caption>&Remove all</Caption>
- </Btn_Remove_All>
- <Btn_Modify_Selected>
- <Caption>&Edit Title & Comments</Caption>
- </Btn_Modify_Selected>
- <Btn_Up>
- <Caption>Move &Up</Caption>
- </Btn_Up>
- <Btn_Down>
- <Caption>Move &Down</Caption>
- </Btn_Down>
- <TabSheet_Step_2>
- <Caption>Step 2 - Edit Album</Caption>
- </TabSheet_Step_2>
- <Label_Album_Title>
- <Caption>Album Title:</Caption>
- </Label_Album_Title>
- <Label_Album_Comments>
- <Caption>Album Comments:</Caption>
- </Label_Album_Comments>
- <Label_Photo_Size>
- <Caption>Photo Size:</Caption>
- </Label_Photo_Size>
- <Label_Web_Album_Themes>
- <Caption>Web Album Themes:</Caption>
- </Label_Web_Album_Themes>
- <Label_Output_Folder>
- <Caption>Output Folder:</Caption>
- </Label_Output_Folder>
- <Label_Slideshow_delay>
- <Caption>Images delay (in second):</Caption>
- </Label_Slideshow_delay>
- <CheckBox_BacktoHome>
- <Caption>Include link back to home page</Caption>
- </CheckBox_BacktoHome>
- <Btn_Generate>
- <Caption>&Generate Web Album</Caption>
- </Btn_Generate>
- <Btn_Select_Folder>
- <Caption>&Select a folder ...</Caption>
- </Btn_Select_Folder>
- <CheckBox_Make_Slides>
- <Caption>Make slideshow</Caption>
- </CheckBox_Make_Slides>
- <TabSheet_Generate>
- <Caption>Generate </Caption>
- </TabSheet_Generate>
- <Label_Finished>
- <Caption>Your Web Album is completed.</Caption>
- </Label_Finished>
- <Btn_View_Album>
- <Caption>View &finished web album</Caption>
- </Btn_View_Album>
- <Btn_Open_folder>
- <Caption>&Open web album folder</Caption>
- </Btn_Open_folder>
- <Label_Howto_upload>
- <Caption>How to upload my web album to the Web?</Caption>
- </Label_Howto_upload>
- <Btn_Next>
- <Caption>&Next</Caption>
- </Btn_Next>
- <Btn_Back>
- <Caption>&Back</Caption>
- </Btn_Back>
- <Menu_Files>
- <Caption>&File</Caption>
- </Menu_Files>
- <Menu_Newproject>
- <Caption>&New project</Caption>
- </Menu_Newproject>
- <Menu_Loadproject>
- <Caption>&Open project ...</Caption>
- </Menu_Loadproject>
- <Menu_Saveproject>
- <Caption>&Save project</Caption>
- </Menu_Saveproject>
- <Menu_SaveAlbumas>
- <Caption>Save project &as ...</Caption>
- </Menu_SaveAlbumas>
- <Menu_Exit>
- <Caption>E&xit</Caption>
- </Menu_Exit>
- <Menu_InterfaceLanguage>
- <Caption>&Language</Caption>
- </Menu_InterfaceLanguage>
- <Menu_Get_Update_Language>
- <Caption>&Get additional/Update language pack</Caption>
- </Menu_Get_Update_Language>
- <Menu_Help>
- <Caption>&Help</Caption>
- </Menu_Help>
- <Menu_Helpdoc>
- <Caption>&Help ...</Caption>
- </Menu_Helpdoc>
- <Menu_Checkforanewversion>
- <Caption>&Check for a new version</Caption>
- </Menu_Checkforanewversion>
- <Menu_WebsiteofPhototo>
- <Caption>iWebAlbum &WebSite</Caption>
- </Menu_WebsiteofPhototo>
- <Menu_About>
- <Caption>&About iWebAlbum ...</Caption>
- </Menu_About>
- </Components>
- <ModifyForm>
- <Label_Comments>
- <Caption>Comments:</Caption>
- </Label_Comments>
- <Label_Title>
- <Caption>Title:</Caption>
- </Label_Title>
- <Btn_Previous_Image>
- <Caption>< Previous</Caption>
- </Btn_Previous_Image>
- <Btn_Next_Image>
- <Caption>Next ></Caption>
- </Btn_Next_Image>
- <Btn_OK>
- <Caption>OK</Caption>
- </Btn_OK>
- <Btn_Cancel>
- <Caption>Cancel</Caption>
- </Btn_Cancel>
- </ModifyForm>
- <About>
- <Label_Freeware>
- <Caption>iWebAlbum is Freeware, Enjoy it!</Caption>
- </Label_Freeware>
- <GroupBox_version>
- <Caption>Version:</Caption>
- </GroupBox_version>
- <GroupBox_Info>
- <Caption>Info:</Caption>
- </GroupBox_Info>
- <Btn_OK>
- <Caption>&OK</Caption>
- </Btn_OK>
- <TntGroupBox1>
- <Caption>Language:</Caption>
- </TntGroupBox1>
- </About>
- <Strings>
- <s0>Step 1 of 2 : Add photos to this album.</s0>
- <s1>Step 2 of 2 : Edit your photo album.</s1>
- <s2>Generating ...</s2>
- <s3>There are no photos in this album to generate. </s3>
- <s4>The current project has not been saved. Are you sure you want to create a new project?</s4>
- <s5>The current project has not been saved. Are you sure you want to open a new project?</s5>
- <s6>The current project has not been saved. Are you sure you want to close iWebAlbum?</s6>
- <s7>ID</s7>
- <s8>Title</s8>
- <s9>Comments</s9>
- <s10>Size</s10>
- <s11>Filename</s11>
- <s12>Small (320 x 240)</s12>
- <s13>Medium (640 x 480)</s13>
- <s14>Large (800 x 600)</s14>
- <s15>Extra Large (1024 x 768)</s15>
- <s16>Original Size</s16>
- <s17>Select a folder which contains image files:</s17>
- <s18>Language</s18>
- <s19>Please wait ... Processing thumbnails:</s19>
- <s20>Please wait ... Processing photo:</s20>
- <s21>Translation by</s21>
- <s22>Date Picture Taken</s22>
- </Strings>
- <HTMLStrings>
- <s0>Comments</s0>
- <s1>Information</s1>
- <s2>Total</s2>
- <s3>Album</s3>
- <s4>Previous</s4>
- <s5>Back to index page</s5>
- <s6>Next</s6>
- <s7>Page</s7>
- <s8>Generated by</s8>
- <s9>Back to home page</s9>
- <s10>Start slideshow</s10>
- <s11>Stop slideshow</s11>
- </HTMLStrings>
- </language>